
Sacha Johann
Managing Partner & Head of Training

Sacha is Head of Training & Owner at Premotion. He founded our agency with Pedro in 2002. He works with teams and organisations to develop goals, strategies and new ideas when it comes to communication, personnel and team development. He also coaches individuals in business topics or in reflecting on or developing a new sense of purpose in their job. In his keynotes, training and coaching sessions, he incorporates his experience as an employee, manager and entrepreneur in a practice-orientated way. This results in success-orientated solutions that develop the full potential of his clients.


  • Cert. Executive Coach, MGSCC (Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching)
  • Cert. Executive Team Development Coach, MGSCC
  • Beyond Leadership Lehrgang, Zurich School of Economics
  • MAS Communication Management
  • Certificate in Marketing, Public Relations &
    American Business Communication
  • Business Economist HF

Sacha at Premotion

  • Managing Partner & Head of Training
  • Key Account Management
  • Consulting in Strategy, Change and Team Development Projects
  • Workshop Design, Hosting and Coaching

Premotion GmbH

Bahnhofstrasse 3
6003 Luzern

+41 (0)41 377 00 00


Premotion GmbH
Hofackerstrasse 40
4132 Muttenz/Basel

+41 (0)61 401 80 97
Premotion GmbH

C. Miquel de Rossello
i Alemany 42
E-07015 Palma

+41 41 377 00 00

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