Would you like to gain practical insights into the world of communication and events? The Premotion Academy offers you condensed knowledge from over 2,200 realised projects. Discover what really counts - straight from the field.
«The key to real understanding and sustainable success lies in practice.»
Our bootcamps are perfect for practical knowledge. Learn the most important basics from our experts in just one day.
We also offer our bootcamps as individual in-house workshops. Let us know when and where you would like to plan a bootcamp for your team.
Compressed knowledge in one day - that's our bootcamps.
In customised small and large group formats, we work with you to develop visions, goals, strategies or simply new ideas. We offer trainings and workshops on all topics relating to communication, marketing and personnel and team development.
Bahnhofstrasse 3
6003 Luzern
+41 (0)41 377 00 00
Hofackerstrasse 40
4132 Muttenz/Basel
+41 (0)61 401 80 97
C. Miquel de Rossello
i Alemany 42
E-07015 Palma
+34 644 762 746